In 4th grade, we use the EL curriculum. Our units for each quarter are:
Quarter 1: The American Revolution
- We will be studying different perspectives on the American Revolution.
-Students will be reading aloud a drama about a family in which there are both loyalists and patriots who pick a side during the Revolution.
-Students will write informational texts about a Loyalist or a Patriot.
Quarter 2: Animal Defensive Mechanisms
-Students will be studying animals and their defense mechanisms.
-Students will learn about predators and prey through their research.
-Students will write their own choose your own adventure books with the animal that they researched being their main character!
Quarter 3: Poetry, Poets, and Becoming Writers
-Students will read poetry and study different famous poets.
-Students will write their own poems!
Quarter 4: Responding to Inequality- Ratifying the 19th Amendment
-We read together a book about a girl who is witnessing the process of ratifying the 19th Amendment and travels from Pennsylvania to Tennessee to help it happen.
-Students will pick an issue that is important to them and "get on their soap boxes" to talk about it!
Below you will find some helpful links to spelling activities, leveled reading books, and more! We want to help our students maintain a passion for reading and writing.
Great Book Lists:
I Believe..
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Leveled Book Lists
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