Kindergarten Info

 Welcome to Kindergarten
Rules and Behavior Expectations

The kindergarten team believes in using positive reinforcement to encourage the children to do their best at all times. We believe that is necessary to build positive relationships in order for the classrooms to run smoothly.  If there are behavior issues, we will address with them based on the individual needs of each child. You will receive a Daily Behavior Log each day letting you know how your child did that day. As a school, we focus heavily on a schoolwide behavior system about being the Normal Park way which is being safe, responsible, and respectful.


School Hours

The bell rings at 8:10 in the morning. Parents are encouraged to drop off their children in the car rider line as early at 7:45am.  They may go to the cafeteria if they need to buy breakfast or the designated Kindergarten classroom at this time. Walkers and bus riders may enter the front doors at 7:55am. School dismisses at 3:10pm in the afternoons. Please let your child’s teacher know if they will be car riders, walkers, bus or aftercare. School Aged Child Care is offered before and after school hours.


Communication is a very important part of the parent, teacher relationship.  Parents will receive a Monday Memo every week detailing upcoming events. Please be sure to check this every day. Teachers will also post important announcements on their Class Dojo Story. The best ways to communicate with your child’s teacher is through email and class dojo messages. 



If your child is going to eat a school breakfast, it is recommended you get to school by car at 7:45. All other students (walkers and bus riders) can arrive through the front door at 7:55am. Announcements start at 8:10 and students must be in their rooms at that time. Students who choose to eat breakfast will eat in the cafeteria with the breakfast monitors. Don’t forget to utilize our school website to pay cafeteria` fees/put money in your child’s account, check for school wide volunteer opportunities and events.


Morning Meeting

Each morning, each class will begin their day with a morning meeting promoting social-emotional learning. Teachers across the school will use Second Step, a digital program that provides schools and districts with common language that helps everyone reinforce social-emotional skills and concepts throughout the school day. This time will be dedicated to providing students with rich opportunities to practice and develop these essential skills. This curriculum often provides activities, active group and peer discussions, and follow up lessons with our guidance counselor each month.  



Snack should be brought in according to the schedule sent home in your child’s red homework folder during his/her phase in.  The weekly snack schedule will also be on each week’s Monday Memo. If your child’s name appears on the schedule, please bring in a class set of snacks. If feasible, individually wrapped and healthy snacks are preferred. Please do not send in bags of items that are not pre-packaged. The week of phase-in, snacks will be provided.


The term “module study” refers to science and social studies units of study. Each nine weeks, the students will be immersed into an engaging unit incorporating all curriculums with a common theme. Students will create Travel Journals each module that act as “student created text books” filled with information they have learned. At the end of each quarter, Normal Park hosts an Exhibit Night, where the school turns into a museum showcasing each grade level’s modules and exhibits.

Kindergarten’s modules are: 1st Nine Weeks “____, Goes to School!” 2nd Nine Weeks: “Weather Out My Window” 3rd Nine Weeks: “The Giving Tree” 4th Nine Weeks: “For the Love of Trees”


Students will learn from the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Into Math Curriculum. This curriculum is based on our Tennessee State Standards. It will include whole group lessons, small groups that target differentiated learning, and partner work that encourages collaboration and mathematical discourse. Into Math is focused on meeting the needs of the whole child, inspiring students to see themselves as doers of mathematics and instilling a positive attitude towards math. Students usually begin lessons on the carpet for a whole group mini lesson, and move to math rotations to deepen the child’s understanding of the topic at hand. Students will be assessed at a mid-point and at the end of each math unit. These results will assist teachers in placing them in math groups.

Expeditionary Learning Curriculum

Normal Park teachers are trained using the Expeditionary Learning Curriculum. This curriculum is broken into two parts, phonics and comprehension/writing. Beginning in August, we will assess your child and begin small group instruction based on their current phonics skills. Students will learn different phonics skills throughout the year based on their progress at each level. The other part of the curriculum is comprehension/writing. This includes read aloud of rich texts, comprehension questions, vocabulary, and writing prompts.


Developmental Rotations

Hamilton County is committed to providing Kindergarteners with a balanced curriculum that addresses the whole child and creates a thriving classroom experience. This year, we are excited to commit to a developmental play curriculum. Our students will have daily access to developmental play activities. 

Volunteer Hours

Normal Park parents are required to volunteer at least 18 hours each school year. To record those hours, you will need to fill out the Volunteer Hours Google form created by our parent coordinator. This form is linked on our website for easy access. Volunteer opportunities will arise multiple times each quarter and the help is always appreciated by Normal Park staff members. Some opportunities include chaperoning on a learning expedition, exhibit building/take down, providing happy cart items, volunteering at schoolwide events, take home projects for teachers, and many more! These opportunities will always be advertised in the lightning letter and from your child’s teacher.

Role as a Chaperone

Lucky for Normal Park, we take learning expeditions each quarter to our museum partners within the county to extend our learning outside of the classroom. Our parents are active participants in our student learning expeditions to our museum partners. At the beginning of each nine weeks you will have the opportunity to choose at least one learning expedition to attend with your child. Your child’s teacher will run a lottery system to choose volunteers for each trip and communicate the trips you were picked to help with. Your role as a chaperone is to help facilitate learning while being engaged in the content and the learning goal of the trip.

Role on Exhibit Night

Everyone has very important roles on Exhibit Night.  Each quarter your child will become a docent for the Exhibit they helped to create.  Every student will be able to talk about what was made and what they learned that Quarter.  The adults’ role is to provide support for your child as they lead you through Exhibit.  You will be given a list of guiding questions that drive the module they learned about and what they exhibited that Quarter.  In kindergarten, we are building the foundation for understanding how to be a docent and how to create an Exhibit. 

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